We’re making quality mental health care accessible to everyone.

We're making quality mental health care accessible to every single student.

Our Mission

Sol Health was founded in 2022 and our mission is to democratize access to therapy in higher education and train the next generation of mental health professionals to solve the nationwide therapist shortage.

Where it Begins: The College Mental Health Crisis


of college students suffer from mental health issues


average wait time to see a therapist


average college student to counseling staff ratio
Now more than ever, we need mental health solutions that every single student can access, and we have a passionate urgency in building it. College counseling services are severely understaffed and under-resourced. As founders, we’ve experienced it firsthand. We struggled against pricey hourly rates and being placed at the bottom of many waiting lists at our universities.
“I probably went through 7 different private practices, teletherapy platforms, and my university’s counseling center before I found a therapist who I loved and my bank account loved."

-K.M., Sol Health client

Addressing the System: The Nationwide Therapist Shortage

At the same time, we can’t ignore the root cause for this lack of accessibility: the nationwide therapist shortage. We picked our brains on this one, but we turned an eye towards some of our friends at the time, who were working with therapist interns at a much more affordable rate. They loved working with them, noting that these graduate-level therapists were highly skilled and really helped them achieve their therapeutic goals.  
“I’ve worked with a few therapists before, and working with her feels just like working with a licensed therapist. She helps me achieve my desired goals in acquiring tools to lower my anxiety and always holds space for me in any capacity I need that day.”

- J.T., Sol Health client

A couple years later, and here’s where we are now.

Every semester, we recruit a highly qualified supply of therapists: graduate counseling students in their final year of their programs to obtain licensure. They face their own unique pain points: obtaining 600+ hours of clinical internship, getting matched with the best supervisor fit, and getting paid. Our Clinical Team programs a world-class therapist internship for these graduate counseling students, and in doing so, addresses these pain points and creates an optimal training environment for the next generation of therapists.

67% Women led. 100% Minority led

We're guided by diversity. Gen Zs are the most diverse demographic to walk this earth - 1 in 6 of us identify as LGBTQ+ , 47% of us identify as people of color, and 100% of us grew up in a digitized era. We think and we feel differently than other generations—perhaps we feel deeply in the form of TikTok reels— and we connect with those who understand us and empathize with us best. We recruit a diverse group of therapists-in-training who may be in a similar age bracket, and who can support your well-being through college and your early adulthood.


College students across the US struggle to access mental health care. School counseling clinics are often understaffed and under-resourced. External therapy solutions are either too expensive or come with extensive wait times.

Graduate students in counseling programs are required to fulfill 600 hours of clinical internship. Today, 99% of counseling internship opportunities are unpaid, and it takes months of independent research to find the right supervisor.


Sol Health was founded by a group of Stanford students that have personally felt the shortcomings of today's virtual therapy solutions.

We’ve juggled through dozens of therapists, struggled against high hourly rates, and were discouraged by frequent “Sorry, I’m not taking new clients right now” voicemails.

So we made it our mission to make therapy accessible foreveryone.

Get Matched 🪄